Eat Like A Bear!
Eat Like a Bear! Jump Start: The Three-Day Challenge Unpacked Physical Hardcover Book (U.S. orders only, $29 + shipping)
Eat Like a Bear! Jump Start: The Three-Day Challenge Unpacked Physical Hardcover Book (U.S. orders only, $29 + shipping)
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(There is a digital version of this book here which includes all of the content of the print book. It is the option for people who prefer the digital (PDF) format and for international buyers. There is also a 3-pack available for the physical version of this book packaged with "Half My Size with The Ridiculously Big Salad" here)
This is the print version of Eat Like A Bear! Jump Start: The Three-Day Challenged Unpacked. Currently, this book is only available to U.S. residents and shipped to a physical address via FedEx.
What’s in the Eat Like a Bear! Jump Start Print Book
The Jump Start book teaches the fundamentals of the approach to eating that is driving the success you are seeing in the Eat Like a Bear! community, turning up the success of the website’s “Three-Day Challenge.” It is packed with stories of real people who have adapted the Eat Like a Bear! framework to meet their own goals, stories to inspire you to achieve your goals.
The hardcover and digital versions of the book include the same text. If you currently own the digital version, you certainly can just print it on your home printer (although the print version is certainly extra-beautiful).
The book is packed with inspiration and the psychology to get you started on a path that has been life-changing for many people.
Table of Contents: The Eat Like a Bear Jump Start
Get a preview of the book in this short video, including the Table of Contents.
More Background: I’m Not **That**Kind** of Doctor (and it turns out that may be a good thing)
I am not a medical doctor.
I have a Ph.D., and there is a big difference. It’s highly relevant to our discussion of weight loss.
First, a medical doctor (M.D.) has extensive education in human biology and, ultimately, is trained in diagnosing and prescribing medical treatment. The culminating degree requirement for an M.D. is an internship in which the book learning is put into practice in the field, on actual humans. With an M.D. focus on diagnosis and prescription, an M.D. would very likely create a very specific weight loss blueprint for you to follow. That is the culture of the medical field. It is a good culture. In fact, there are good reasons for that culture and the whole sort of training that medical professionals receive.
To be clear, I have none of that training, and I argue here that, for what I am doing, that has turned out to be a good thing.
I have a social science Ph.D.
A Ph.D. is the highest research degree awarded in the United States, and it requires both coursework in the relevant field (much like medical doctors study human biology in their field), but the seminal work is primary research, not an internship. “Primary research” is simply research that has never been done before. In your Ph.D. dissertation research, you are required to make a new contribution to the research in your area.
My coursework and research had nothing whatsoever to do with the medical profession. You can find my research on Polish and East European politics from back in the 1990s, when those states were going through democratic transitions. I have a Ph.D. in political science, an eclectic minor in statistics, and a theoretic background in social choice theory.
I left academia in the late 90s, had kids, and juggled a career as an analyst for about fifteen years. I worked for government agencies, helping them analyze the effectiveness of their government-funded programs.
It turns out that two unique aspects of my background have likely contributed to the unusual success we are seeing in the community:
(1) My background in social choice theory is likely what made my individual weight loss case interesting and unique. It is the core foundation of the psychology course on this website and in the psychology content of the Jump Start book. That really is a whole other story, however, but I doubt we’d be here without it.
(2) My years of experience as a field analyst of dozens of programs has given me analytic expertise that has brought an unusual analytical quality to the content here at Eat Like a Bear!
This is an important point of distinction from other books and programs, and so I will dig deeper here.
The Jump Start Book Comes Out of its Own Research Venue, a.k.a. the Eat Like a Bear! Community
Back when I started the community in 2018, I did not actually intend to lead it myself (in details that you will surely read here in other places). I was severely jaded by the entire weight loss industry (and still am), but I was also jaded by much of the “food” community. I saw the weight loss industry as completely useless, and I saw many branches of the “real food” community as cultish fanatics trying to get everyone to eat as they do. What I certainly did not want was to start my own version of a cultish food community.
In early Eat Like a Bear! videos on social media, what you see me teaching is two dimensions of food choice: low-carb eating and intermittent fasting. Each of these dimensions can be made more or less strict depending on your needs and goals. Picture them on an x-y scatterplot like you made in your 7th grade math class and imagine all of the variations in implementation you might find on that graph.
My intent in teaching in that way was to reduce the cultish tendencies that can emerge in any community — that culture which suggests that everyone should eat the same way.
However, I was also aware that early members did want to know exactly what I was doing. I am sure some would have loved to ride around on my shoulder for a while and just watch. It was January 2019 when community member Nancy approached me and was quite forthright in her request: “I want to know **exactly** what you did.” I become increasingly focused on teaching what we now call “The Ridiculously Big Salad” (RBS). I had shown it before, but without much focus.
People started to ask for a salad book, but I thought “No one needs me to teach them how to make a salad.” However, as salad photos flooded the group, I noticed that there is actually huge variation in salad-making approaches. I dialed in and wrote a book. Within weeks of that little under-produced digital book hitting the group for the low price of ten dollars, we saw community success rates improve. I was actually stunned by the effectiveness of that meal type. I was also amazed by the potential for our diverse community to provide such feedback on what is more or less effective for weight loss.
The book “Half My Size with The Ridiculously Big Salad” is a whole story unto itself, and I will direct you to more about it, in case you are new to it, but the key point is this: That book is the ***result** of social proof of the Ridiculously Big Salad (RBS) itself. I wrote it **because** of the social proof of the salad.
Back in 2018, I did not know that what I was eating was distinctly effective. In fact, I would have thought it arrogant to think so. Really, there are many paths to weight loss, and we don’t all need to take the same one. (I still believe that strongly even after writing the RBS book.)
The Jump Start book comes from this same unusual research-oriented petri dish we have going. (To some degree, so too does the psychology course, though it really does have a fairly distinct origin.)
The Three-Day Challenge Origin and What We’ve Learned
By January 2020, the RBS book was being printed (sorry, it’s no longer an under-produced ten-dollar e-book), and I was antsy to take what I learned in 2019 and turn up the heat in the community. My intent to see more success in the community was the origin of the Three-Day Challenge. It is a simple and free email sequence that gets people started with three days of discussing the RBS framework. It wasn’t actually my intent for everyone implement it exactly the same way, but that people get exposed to the meal type and why it’s working so that they could work out a path for themselves.
However, what surprised me is how many people implemented it as if their lives depended on it (and in some cases, that may not be hyperbole). We saw massive results from those three days. If you’ve taken the Three-Day Challenge, you might have noticed that I “give away” our food framework there. Since I was about to sell the RBS book, some of our community leaders were very concerned that we would not be able to keep our lights on while giving it away. I said to one, “If everyone ends up skinny for free, I just don’t see a problem. Besides, we’ll still sell some books.”
By the end of 2020, The Three-Day Challenge made the cover of the behemoth U.S. national newsstand magazine, Woman’s World. Editors had found it a few months before when my personal story was featured in the magazine. That free Three-Day Challenge had essentially sold so many RBS books that we overwhelmed our local post office while shipping 10,000 copies and went into back order on the book.
Just as I had taken “a salad” for granted for months in this community, I took a step back on that Three-Day Challenge and what was so special about it. I am sure that I still do not fully appreciate it, but it is likely a whole package of things. The Three-Day Challenge keeps the eating very, very simple and inexpensive. It cuts right to the core so that people can experience success immediately.
Success Drives Success
People who implement start seeing immediate results. A certain percentage of them then buy books. Like the Three-Day Challenge, the books come out of the community’s social proof. So, when people delve into them and implement them, they see more success. That is essentially how to overwhelm your rural little post office with the sale of 10,000 books. Of the 150,000 people who have taken the Three-Day Challenge, about 25,000 people have purchased Eat Like A Bear! content in print or digital form. Of the 125,000 people who have not purchased content, we do have success cases. They take the free material and implement it.
As I say in pretty much all of my materials, you already have what you “need” to make this work because you only really need yourself. What you can do here as you reflect on buying this Jump Start book or course is whether you would derive some benefit from it. To make that assessment, you should know that it includes my best understanding to date of what is driving the massive success we are seeing in this community. I wrote the Jump Start book in July 2020, over a year after writing the RBS book and seven months after implementing the Three-Day Challenge.
It is my intent that this core content be the best place to start for anyone looking to get started, and it includes my best efforts to drive more success in this community.
I discuss the community's success on our regional NBC affiliate:
Still Skeptical?
If you are skeptical about my claims here (and, believe me, I may be the club president of “disdain for the weight loss industry”), you should buy one of the digital products with a 7-day 100% no-questions-asked return guarantee. Return it if it doesn’t meet your standard. (We don’t accept returns on physical books, but we do replace those damaged in shipping.)
Notice, too, that all of our products are sold for a one-time payment. My goal is not to get you on the hook, but to help you find the tools you can use to set yourself free.
Book Ordering Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I get this book somewhere else?-
Q: What are your shipping options?A: We ship with FedEx Express to the 50 United States and the District of Columbia but offer USPS Priority Mail for shipments to post office boxes, US territories, and overseas US armed forces.
- Q: Do you ship internationally?
- A: We do not ship internationally at this time, but it is high on our to-do list.
- Q: When will I receive the book?
- A: FedEx Express shipments should arrive within 2-4 business days. USPS Priority Mail shipments should take 2-7 business days to arrive. A shipping confirmation with a tracking number will be emailed to you when your order has shipped.
- Q: Can I return the book?
- A: If the book does not meet the description on this page, please do ask for a refund. Otherwise, we limit requests to replacements for damages in shipping. Email with concerns.
- Q: Your digital products have a 7-day return policy, why don't you accept returns on this book?
- A: We can offer a generous return policy for our digital items because they are digital. If you are concerned about the quality of this product, I direct you to the digital products. Take advantage of their return policy should they not meet their claims.
- Q: Can I expect the same weight loss results as the many success cases I am seeing?
- A: The Eat Like a Bear community has a high success rate, but the cases you are seeing are those who have dialed in on the framework, usually with above-average zeal. They are not the typical case in our community. Your own results may vary.
